Cygnet – Barnardos Supports for Parents and Siblings



Barnardo’s Caern Project regularly runs groups open to people living in the Lothians. We provide Barnardo’s Cygnet service is widely recognised for its award winning parenting support programme that is now available to parents of children on the autistic spectrum aged 5-18.

The programme is designed to:

  • increase parents understanding of autistic spectrum conditions
  • help parents develop their knowledge on how a child on the autistic spectrum experiences the world and what drives their behaviour
  • guide parents through practical strategies they can use with children
  • direct parents to relevant ASC resources
  • give parents the opportunity to meet with other parents who have had similar experiences and to gain support and learn from each other

The programme is delivered over seven, two and a half – three hour sessions which sequentially work towards behaviour management and covers a number of topics

We also regularly run siblings’ groups which offer a mix of therapeutic and fun activities. For more information please contact