Have your say: Midlothian HSCP Autism Strategic Plan Consultation


Have your say in how we plan, design and deliver services for Autistic people over the next three years. Take part in our consultation now: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/AutismStrategicPlan

Midlothian HSCP Plan Autism Section: The Midlothian Health and Social Care Partnership is responsible for Health and Social Care Services in Midlothian. The HSCP write a Strategic Plan every three years to say what they are going to do to support people to stay healthy and well; make it easy for people to get health and social care; provide excellent quality care, treatment and support.

This is your chance to say how they should plan, design and deliver services for Autistic people over the next three years. It will also include actions that promote community living, learning, working and wellbeing.

The consultation can be completed individually or in groups in different ways: By printing off and writing on the PDF; By completing the question boxes on the Powerpoint version; online. Visit the consultation portal.