Training Events: Scottish Autism


A series of training events at New Struan School.

Creating Low Stress Environments – Knowledge Share Events, New Struan School, Alloa 


9:30am to 12:30pm


21st November 2019

In recent years there has been a greater understanding of the role the environment can play on behavior that challenges services across health, education, social care and home life. This seminar will focus on Scottish Autism’s approach to identifying and understanding the sensory profile of individuals so we can adapt their environment with a view to reducing stress. £25 

Voice, Participation & Involvement – Knowledge Share Events, New Struan School, Alloa


9:30am to 12:30pm


19th March 2020

Education, health and social care providers have a duty to ensure that autistic people are active in their own lives and not merely passive recipients of services. Scottish Autism is continuously working to understand how we can enable voice, choice and meaningful participation of the people we support. In this seminar we will share learning from across our education and adult services that has informed our practice. Furthermore we will show that developing practice in this area is fundamental to service improvement. £25